Thursday, August 4, 2016

Obedience: His Work Not Mine

Obedience: His Work Not Mine
By: Amy Hickman

Scripture: Exodus 36:27

Obedience...What thoughts or emotions come to you at the mention of that word? Obedience to me was a burden, a duty. It was something I had to do in order to gain/keep God’s love and acceptance. BUT GOD began to reveal to me His amazing, extravagant, unconditional love. I then began to see that my obedience to His commands did not “buy” His love and acceptance; He gave it freely. Romans 5;8 says while we were still sinners He loved us so much that He was moved to demonstrate it by giving for us the most precious thing He had – His only Son. His love for us had nothing to do with our obedience. Once we began to see and receive His bountiful love, our motivation to obey changes. Now, we obey because our heart is so impacted by His love. 

We then began to understand…
  1.  Obedience is not a duty. It is a response to His amazing love.  The next lesson we learn (and continue to be reminded of) is this…
  2. Obedience is not a work of our own effort, but it is a fruit of our daily, personal relationship of trusting Him.

Daily Challenge:
Look for the cracks in your obedience.  What do you hear the Lord speaking to you that you aren’t doing?  Once identified pray the prayer below and allow Him to do the work in you.

Daily Prayer:
Lord, today I surrender to You. Like Christ, I admit that I cannot do “obedience” in my own strength. I look to You and trust You, according to Your promise, to be and to do according to Your will. Thank You for Your loving work in me.

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