Thursday, August 18, 2016

MINISTRY: Are Your Towel and Water Dirty?

Scripture: John 13:3-5

The best picture of what it means to minister is to look at the One who empowers us to minister. A true minister of the gospel is one who gets not only his hands dirty, but his knees as well. The word ministry means “to serve.” The question is: why? Do we serve so people will like us? Do we serve so that people will come to church? Do we serve because it is a nice thing to do? If you serve, then why do you? And if you do not serve, why not? Whether we like it or not, the truth is that if we are not getting our towels and water basins dirty to reach people, then we are not Christ’s servants. So why do we serve? Christ served to show His love for His disciples and to show us how to show others His love.
In order to truly minister (serve) the way Christ does, one must have a heart full with His love. We should have no other motive but loving those we serve so that they can get a glimpse of God’s love for them, leading them to His heart. Serving someone does not mean they will come to faith in Christ, but it does mean that you are displaying Him to them. Seeing Jesus wash and cleanse the feet of His disciples exemplified the whole purpose of His coming—cleansing them, saving them. We are saved for a purpose. Your salvation is not a reward, but a tool. You were saved to serve. If you are not ready to get your towel and water dirty for Christ, you are not ready to minister. Check your heart before you use your hands. It does not matter what people have stepped in. Clean their feet. Serve them. Minister ministry. The Gospel is real and it saves. Serve it to the clean and the dirty. May your towel and water show the residue of the Gospel—Christ washing away wrath.

Daily Pray:
         Lord, help me to be a Christian. May I fulfill what that family title means. May I serve those around me, with the clean and the dirty. May I never worry about getting my towel and basin too dirty. People are hurting and need to be served. Use me. Here I am. Send me today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Daily Challenge:
·       Read John 13 today.
·       Where do you serve? Do you do it for the right reason?
·       Serve someone you love today.

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