God’s Faithfulness
Scripture: Matthew 22:44
God the Father is absolutely and eternally devoted to His Son and our Elder Brother, Jesus Christ. He has set Jesus above all and given Him the Church for an inheritance. The Father has also given Jesus to the Church as head over all things. (Ephesians 1:18-23)
All of our confidence toward God is singularly and solidly founded in the Father’s faithfulness to Jesus Christ. When we confess our sins we can be sure that God has justified reason to forgive us, not because we are sorry for what we have done, but because of the blood of Jesus.(1 John 1:5-10)
Jesus entered into our need that we might have abundant life through His sacrifice.
(2 Corinthians 8:9)
Grace is God giving Himself a reason to bless us like He wants to because we could not give Him one. We could not, with our best effort, give Him just reason to bless us with the abundance He desires us to know. (Isaiah 64:6)
Sin crippled us, causing us to be unable to keep His perfect law. (Romans 7:7-25) God wants to bless us as if we had never sinned. The primary problem with sin is that it restricts God in blessing us. But through Jesus Christ, all that would block God from blessing us has been removed by His cross. (Colossians 2:12-14)
The Father’s faithfulness to Jesus is our sure confidence. This is why we offer Him no other reason to answer our prayers except the Name of Jesus. (John 15:16)
Daily Challenge: Can you be faithful without knowing, understanding and experiencing God's faithfulness?
Daily Prayer: Father, please do not let anything Jesus died for go to waste in our life. Be sure He gets all He deserves in me and bless us richly according to your heart and His glory. Amen.
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